
Saturday, May 21, 2016

An Elmo Birthday Party

An Elmo Birthday Party
We celebrated Joshua's second birthday "Elmo style." We had all of our family over to enjoy dinner, and the kids played together. I had a great time putting the decor together for this party... There is no shortage of Pinterest ideas for an Elmo party!
I ordered this adorable custom Elmo tee-shirt on Etsy. You can check it out here: https://www.etsy.com/transaction/1012810349.

 This picture greeted guests as they entered the door.... "Welcome to Joshua's 2nd Birthday... Brought to you by the Letter "J" and the Number 2!"

I hung red paper lanterns from the ceiling. It was super easy to turn these into Elmo faces... Just cut out eyes, a nose, and a mouth and attached them to the lantern! These added a fun touch to the party!

We added a lot of color to the party by adding balloons, banners, tablecloths, and Elmo toys.
How fun is this?! Just like the paper lanterns, I made the drink pitcher an Elmo face as well. The spout came out of his mouth, and my kids thought this was hilarious... They said they were drinking "Elmo spit." Ummm, gross. But they loved it. We used Hawaiian Punch as the beverage.
Another delicious cake courtesy of my friend Sara! Joshua loved it! The little dots around the cake were gumballs. How fun!
The kids played "Pin the Nose on Elmo." Y'all, this was not my most artistic game. I think Elmo looks more like a red version of Garfield here. However, the kids thought it was fun and that's all that really matters.
Goody bags! I love how simple these were. Sometimes goody bags end up costing a small fortune, but keeping with the Elmo theme, I kept the bags simple, filling them only with a bag of goldfish and a box of crayons. (In the theme song for Elmo's World on Sesame Street, the song says, "Elmo loves his goldfish, his crayons too..." I decorated small red gift bags with Elmo's Eyes and Nose too.
Joshua loved his Elmo party!

Now this is evidence of a good party! All worn out after a fun evening of party festivities, Joshua and his cousin curled up on the stairs and fell asleep. Happy Birthday Joshua!

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