
Saturday, March 1, 2014

A "Mike the Knight" Fourth Birthday Party

My adorable Ethan turns four this weekend. He is my little "knight in shining armor" so we decided to have  "Mike the Knight" Birthday party. Ethan loves watching "Mike the Knight" on Nickelodeon.

We invited all of his classmates from preschool, plus several friends from church, and of course family. The result? We ended up having over 60 people RSVP that they would be attending! This was thirty children. So what was originally planned to be a home party, quickly got changed to a party at the park! I was so thankful for a day with nice weather! It was chilly, but clear. March is such a hit or miss month when planning anything outdoors.

I did a lot of the craft work for the party myself, and I also had little help from Oriental Trading and Party City!

Here are the goodies I made for the children. I filled little bags with candy and added a label created with an image I found on Google of Mike the Knight. Simple! The hardest part was cutting out all of those circles, but I do have a little circle cutting tool which helped.

In addition to the goody bags, all of the girls received a Wizard Wand like the character Evie has on "Mike the Knight." I bought the wands from Oriental Trading.I loved how sparkly they were! http://www.orientaltrading.com/api/search?Ntt=glittery+gold+wands 

The boys got inflatable swords that I ordered from Oriental Trading. They loved playing with these during the party! I had a hard time getting some of them to stay inflated though.  I would recommend getting a different kind. Luckily we still had enough for all of the boys at the party.
We had separate goody bags for his younger friends. Children ages 2 and under received bags with cookies, cheese-its, fruit snacks, and a sucker.

I labeled this basket for the younger aged goody bags after "Squirt" the dragon on "Mike the Knight."

On the day of the party, we loaded up our van and headed to the park to set up. I am so very thankful for all of our friends who helped us get things ready!
How precious is this cupcake stand?! I ordered it from Oriental Trading.
My friend Sara baked the cupcakes and made homemade frosting.
Oh my goodness, they were delicious!

We had snacks set up and we served pizza for lunch.

The children played knight-themed games. They loved "slaying the dragon!" I found this dragon pinata at www.partycity.com. Advice: When playing with the pinata, I would recommend having the smaller children take their swings before the bigger children.We had several children not get a turn because the pinata busted before we got through the line. Oh well, I think everyone still enjoyed it!

I drew this picture of Mike the Knight and the children took turns pinning the feather on Mike the Knight's helmet.

I also drew a picture of Trollee onto a project board and cut out a hole for the childen to throw "jam" into Trollee's bucket.

It was so nice being at the park for the party. I truly think Ethan's favorite part was just running around in the grass playing swords with his friends!

Happy Fourth Birthday Ethan!!

Argh Mateys! "A Jake & the Neverland Pirates" Third Birthday Party

We just celebrated my son's fourth birthday party, and thought I would blog about his last party before I post about this more current one. Last year he wanted all things "Jake" from Disney's "Jake and the Neverland Pirates." So of course we decided to throw him a pirate party!

This was the first big party we had ever had at our home for any of our children. In the past, we had always had parties at different play places. However, I was trying to save money and I knew that with a little craftiness, we could have a ton of pirate fun without even leaving the house.

We decorated the family room with different pictures and balloons with characters from Disney's "Jake and the Neverand Pirate."
The chidren started with a treasure hunt!
They dug for small treasures in a pirate ship shaped sand box.

Then they played a bean bag toss game! Feed Tic Toc Croc!

They also played "Pin the hook on Captain Hook."
Last, the children "walked the plank!" I set up a balance beam in our garage and the children took turns walking across it with a pirate patch over one eye and holding a sword.
The children put their treasures from the treasure hunt as well as the prizes they earned from the other games into their loot bags. I made these from paper lunch sacks and printed out labels with each child's name.
A pirate party would not be complete without "Fish and Chips" (aka goldfish and chips)! We served the snacks out of beach pails. We also served pizza and cupcakes.

The children loved drinking out of their special Jake cups my friend snagged for me off the Target dollar aisle! We served them Crocodile Blood to drink...
aka Red Kool Aid!

I would definitely say our first "home" party was a success!
Happy third birthday Ethan!
 We love you!

The "D 6:7" Challenge

A little over a year ago, I was given a book by the Preschool Minister at my church. I am on the Preschool Committee, and she gave this book to all of the committee members as a challenge to read and consider applying what we learned to our families.

The book was called, "Family Worship In the Bible, In History, & In Your Home" by Donald S. Whitney. (http://www.amazon.com/Family-Worship-Bible-History-Your/dp/0978523806/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1393726386&sr=8-1&keywords=Donald+S.+Whitney+%22Family+Worship%22)

It was a small book,with only 56 pages to read. I remember thinking, "Oh great... Homework" during the meeting when the books were handed out. However, it was a pretty small book so I figured I could handle it.

I am so glad I decided to give this book a chance! It absolutely gave me a renewed since of purpose in shepherding my children. Deuteronomy 6:4-9 says this,

Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on your doorframes of your houses and on your gates.

Ever since becoming a parent over six years ago, I have loved this verse. I feel that my parents did a beautiful job of impressing the gospel and a love for Jesus on me and each of my sisters. Talking about things of the Lord came very natural for us as we went about our days. As I grew older, that ease and confidence I had developed about talking about Christ was such a blessing as I developed friendships and eventually moved away to college. Certainly, my parents laid a strong foundation of faith on my life that I continue to carry with me long after my days of moving away from home. My desire is for me and my husband to do the same for my three children.

However, as much as I loved the verse above, as much as I loved the Lord, as much as I loved my children - I still thought to myself nearly every night as my head hit the pillow, "Wow, there was so much more I wanted to do with them today." Meaning, that while our days were full with tasks and activities, there was so much more that I wanted to teach them, but instead was so caught up with getting through the day that I lost sight of those "teachable moments." I did take every opportunity when I was at the park with the kids or even just driving down the road to point out things in nature that God had made. We talked about how they were unique and special because God had made them that way. However, at the end of the day I still felt that I could have taught them so much more. At the end of my children's lives, it is not going to matter how early I taught them to read, to tie their shoes, or potty trained them. All that will matter are things that have eternal worth. So while all of those other things are essential and good - what I really wanted to be more intentional about was teaching them more about God's Word and who He is, with the prayer that God would put a love for Him  and a desire to follow Him in their hearts.

So, back to the "Family Worship" book. I read it and was blown away with how dated the content seemed. The author wrote with a perspective that sounded so "old fashioned" to me. I realized it's because the idea of family worship time is so different than our current culture! However, as I continued to read, I realized that while it may seem like a dated idea, it was actually quite relevant and exactly what I was looking for in my quest to being more intentional with my children in regards to teaching them about the gospel.

The book talks a lot about how in earlier generations, there was a lot less corporate worship like we have now. Families had worship services in their homes. Now most Christians attend churches and many parents seem to rely on the Sunday School teachers and other ministers within the church to be the sole teachers of the gospel to their children. I truly desire for me and my husband to be the first teachers of the things of Christ to our kids. The book breaks down different aspects of worship and encourages the readers to apply this in their own family worship time. Some of these aspects include:
  • prayer
  • scripture reading
  • music
After I finished reading the book, I sat down with my husband and shared what I had learned. He agreed that we needed to be much more intentional with teaching the kids. So we decided to start having a family worship time. Friends, let me assure you that we started small. We decided to incorporate our worship time as the children were getting into bed each night. At first, we just started to say a nightly prayer with them. Most nights Don led the prayer time and began by asking them what they wanted to pray about. Don would pray and then we encouraged the children to say their own prayer. After we had consistently had prayers each night, we added in scripture readings. My kids were ages 5 and 3 at this time, so their attention spans were not very long! We found that the "Day by Day Bible" by Eira Reeves offered a good length and content for our children's attention spans and understanding. (http://www.amazon.com/Day-Bible-Devotions-Reading-Children/dp/1565635213/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1393728746&sr=8-2&keywords=Day+by+Day+Bible+Eira+Reeves).

Our children absolutely embraced and came to expect and look forward to this time each evening! On nights that we were putting them down a little late we would think about skipping our family worship time, but the children would beg and not go to sleep without first "reading the Bible."

A few months after implementing our family worship time, we decided to add music. Friends, this is so simple! It can mean something as basic as singing "Jesus Loves Me" one time. I think this has become my children's favorite part of our worship time. For months, my three year old sang "The Lord's Army" every night for his song. His new favorite is "Awesome God" and he shouts out the chorus of the song several times in a row. It's precious!

Now, I know many of you reading this may be thinking, who has time for that at the end of the day??? Let me tell you, our family worship time typically only lasts about ten minutes each night. It is not something that has to be overwhelming and unattainable!

I encourage you to check out the "Family Worship" book and pray about starting a family worship time with your children if you have not done so already. I truly believe it is one of, if not the one, best investment you can make into the life of your children.

Be Mine, Valentine!

Wow, I have been wanting to blog for months now! And if the busy-ness of keeping up with my three kiddos wasn't what was keeping me from posting, then it was my temperamental computer. :-/ So I am going to give it by best effort to update my blog with some of the craftiness that has been going on in the Baldwin Household! Several blogs were started but left without being published due to my computer acting up, so I am going to be working backwards a bit to get caught up!

Valentines Day was a few weeks ago and I tried to get everything done early for my children's valentines for their school friends and teachers. Interestingly enough, because of snow my children only went to school one day the week of Valentines Day. Therefore, their parties were postponed to the following week. I was still glad to have them ready to go though!

I stuffed fun little candy bags for the students. Both Hannah and Ethan helped me stuff the bags, but Ethan ate more chocolate hearts than he stuffed I believe!

Here is what Ethan's Valentines looked like:


Here is what Hannah's Valentine's looked like:

For the teachers, I tried to think of something that could be functional, but also a sweet treat. I decided on tumblers from The Dollar Tree. Everyone loves to have extra tumblers! We filled the tumblers with Hershey Hugs and a Kool Aid packet. The tag on the cup read, "Lots of Hugs for a Super "Kool" Teacher."

So much fun! I love an excuse to be crafty!