
Saturday, March 1, 2014

Be Mine, Valentine!

Wow, I have been wanting to blog for months now! And if the busy-ness of keeping up with my three kiddos wasn't what was keeping me from posting, then it was my temperamental computer. :-/ So I am going to give it by best effort to update my blog with some of the craftiness that has been going on in the Baldwin Household! Several blogs were started but left without being published due to my computer acting up, so I am going to be working backwards a bit to get caught up!

Valentines Day was a few weeks ago and I tried to get everything done early for my children's valentines for their school friends and teachers. Interestingly enough, because of snow my children only went to school one day the week of Valentines Day. Therefore, their parties were postponed to the following week. I was still glad to have them ready to go though!

I stuffed fun little candy bags for the students. Both Hannah and Ethan helped me stuff the bags, but Ethan ate more chocolate hearts than he stuffed I believe!

Here is what Ethan's Valentines looked like:


Here is what Hannah's Valentine's looked like:

For the teachers, I tried to think of something that could be functional, but also a sweet treat. I decided on tumblers from The Dollar Tree. Everyone loves to have extra tumblers! We filled the tumblers with Hershey Hugs and a Kool Aid packet. The tag on the cup read, "Lots of Hugs for a Super "Kool" Teacher."

So much fun! I love an excuse to be crafty!

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